
Breast augmentation

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a small bust. However, many women wish for larger breasts to attain their particular, personal ideal of physical perfection. After careful consideration of the options, together with a doctor, it may be decided that a surgical breast enlargement is most appropriate way forward.

In such a operation, implants are used to increase the volume of the breast to a size appropriate to the rest of the body. For some women, this aesthetic improvement is associated with an increase in self-confidence and a positive effect on their psychological well-being. As a highly experienced and extremely well qualified expert in the field of aesthetic plastic breast surgery, I am on hand to support you. Firstly, I will thoroughly advise you in modern surgical methods and help you along the way towards deciding upon the optimal treatment for you. I only use implants of extremely high quality.

Whichever woman I am treating, my personal goal remains the same: To enlarge the breasts in such a way, that their new size and shape perfectly complement the physical appearance of the patient, so that they still appear natural at even the second and third glance.